Sunday, December 9, 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close CR # 25

This week's movie is one that critics didn't like, most people didn't like, yet it was nominated for Best Picture last year at the Oscars. So is it a good movie, or does it deserve the hate? Let's find out in my review of...

Oskar is a 9-year old autistic child whose dad was his best friend. Sadly though, his dad dies in the Twin Tower attacks. This mix of his dad's death and 9/11 really tear Oskar and his mom up emotionally. Cut to one year later and Oskar,while looking through his dad's closet, finds a key with the word "Black" on it. Now Oskar in determined to find what lock this key fits into and must face not only his fear of everything, but his also his terrible loss.

Thomas Horn, who plays Oskar, is simply amazing. While all the other actors do a great job, Horn steals the show, at least he does for a little bit.

Max von Sydow steals the show for the rest of the running time. He should have won the Oscar, since he's the best actor out of a movie full of amazing actors.

The scenes where Oskar is basically describing his Autism are really cool. It makes you feel like Oskar and fear what he fears.

The film deals with the subject of 9/11 in a very mature and subtle way. The movie isn't about 9/11, in fact it's almost like a background theme after the first 30 minutes, but when it is brought it up they don't exploit the event for emotional sympathy, like some other movies (*cough* Remember Me *cough*)

The movie can get a bit too sappy at points. While it's not too often, it's still there.

This was a great movie that I'm still confused as to why it got such bad reviews. While, yes, 9/11 is a major theme of the film, it's not about 9/11, it's about a young boy coming to terms with the death of his dad. You might be wondering, "Well why did he have to die in 9/11?". I asked myself the same question, and then I figured it out. The reason he had to die in 9/11 is because it shows just how much the people of New York are connected and how this one little boy's journey can affect so many different people. I really enjoyed this movie, and think if you can get over the 9/11 aspects, you will too.


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